Technology / Tecnología

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Texas Project FIRST (Region 9 ESC) resources on Assistive Technology:


For a number of Texas Education Agency resources related to Technology, go to:

  • Texas Assistive Technology Network (TATN) (Region 4 ESC) - Through the network of the 20 Regional Education Service Centers (ESCs) around the state and in conjunction with the Texas Education Agency, the Texas Assistive Technology Network (TATN) is working to ensure that students with disabilities receive assistive technology devices and services when needed to benefit from a free, appropriate public education. Assistive technology enables students with disabilities to access the curriculum, increase independence and participate actively in education and life activities.


The website has online training modules regarding AT assessment & implementation, as well as a wealth of AT resources and AT Links. They also offer an Assistive Technology statewide conference each year. For resources, see:

               °  Accessibility Resources

               °  Accessible Instructional Materials (What ARD committees need to know)

               °  Audio Podcasts

               °  Digital & E-Text Resources

               °   Intervention Resources

               °   National Resources

               °  Operating System Tips

               °  Response to Intervention

               °  State & Regional Resources

               °  Technology Tools Aligned to Type 2 Spelling Accommodations

               °  Universal Design for Learning 




AAC Institute - This is the website of the AAC Institute, a non-profit organization “dedicated to the most effective communication for people who rely on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).”

AAC-RERC (Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Communication Enhancement) - This is the home page of AAC-RERC (Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Communication Enhancement). RERC conducts research in the area of augmentative and alternative communication, develops and evaluates technology, and provides training. Their site contains publications, resources and web links.

AbleData - This is the home page of ABLEDATA, a federally funded project whose primary mission is to provide information on assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment. Their site provides access to a database of products; a consumer forum for product review; assistive technology information and conferences; web links and more.

Accessible Book Collection - This website provides information about the Accessible Book Collection, a private non-profit corporation that provides digital text of copyrighted books. “Digital text can be a real boon for students who are vision impaired, have difficulty tracking, can’t turn pages, or who need to increase their reading speed.”

Apple Accessibility - On this site, you’ll find additional information about the many accessibility features built into Apple products. You can also learn how Apple technology is being used to address the needs of students by visiting Apple’s special education page.

Assistive Technology Center YouTube Channel - A collection of videos that shows people with disabilities using their own AT, and explaining what a difference it makes in their lives.

ATSTAR - ATSTAR (Assistive Technology, Strategy, Tools, Accommodations, Resources) is an online curriculum designed to improve educational outcomes for students with disabilities by helping teachers learn to use assistive technology in the classroom.

Bartleby - The preeminent Internet publisher of literature, reference, and verse that provides students, researchers, and the intellectually curious with unlimited access to books and information on the web, free of charge. 

Benetech - Accessible Books for Texas project that conducts trainings for educators, districts, schools, as well as webinar support. 

Bookshare - A non-profit online digital library, funded by the U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. Bookshare is free for U.S. students who are blind, have low vision, a physical disability, or a severe learning disability, like dyslexia. The library has thousands of literature and K-12 textbooks in accessible formats (DAISY, Braille, Large Print, Audio) and two free reading technologies . 

BridgingApps - This is a community website to support parents, teachers, therapists and doctors who want to use technology like the Apple iPad and Android to help children of all ages and abilities to learn, grow and develop. 

CAST (the Center for Applied Special Technology) - Here you can find The UDL Guidelines and The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Framework.

Center on Parent Information and Resources - AT resources include an overview of the Assistive Technology ActNIMAS Training Module; and Considering Assistive Technology, a checklist designed to help IEP teams consider the needs of students with disabilities for assistive technology.  The website also includes a number of AT resources in Spanish.

Center on Technology and Disability - Assistive and instructional technology (AT/IT) allows children across the ability spectrum to participate fully at home, in school, and in the community. The Center on Technology and Disability provides a wealth of free resources – personal and professional development (PPD) webinars, articles, guides, training materials and more. Many articles are available in Spanish.

Closing the Gap - This is the website of Closing the Gap. “Closing the Gap, Inc. is an organization that focuses on computer technology for people with special needs through its bi-monthly newspaper, annual international conference and extensive web site.”

DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) - This is the website of DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology). DO-IT promotes the use of electronic and information technology to maximize the independence, productivity, and participation of people with disabilities.

Easter Seals - Many locations have assistive technology labs. Check your local Easter Seals office.

Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI) - This web site is hosted by Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI), whose mission is to help educators ensure that their students with disabilities have equal access to information and resources. The site addresses both grade school and college level students and includes topics such as math and science, libraries, adaptive software and hardware, and more. Also included are many web links and internet resources.

Funding of Assistive Technology Series - This online booklet is a part of the “Funding of Assistive Technology Series” published through the National Assistive Technology Advocacy Project. It focuses on advocating for assistive technology through the public education system, gives a detailed overview of IDEA, particularly how it pertains to assistive technology, and discusses specific court decisions.

Georgia Project for Assistive Technology - Here you can find listings of various AT solutions.


Google Books - This Google tool allows you to search any book and find an online copy to read in either a full-text version or a preview. It also offers an advanced search option where you can search based on title, author, language, and even phrases. - This website believes involved parents mean successful kids. They offer a variety of information from preschool to college with a section devoted to Technology. They also have worksheets & activities, homework help, parenting dilemmas, and information on health & behavior.


Infinitec - Infinitec is the assistive technology program of UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago. The program leverages the power of technology to advance independence and promote inclusive opportunities for children and adults with disabilities.  Their website provides information about assistive technology as well as training, equipment, and access to specialists and resources.


LibriVox Audio Books Free App - This free app offers access to thousands of audio books in any genre. Volunteers take public domain books and record, edit, and distribute the audio book version. Audio books can be useful for struggling readers, auditory learners, and for adding another layer of depth to a story. Every audio book can be streamed over the internet or downloaded for later use.  (Free apps are available for Android and iOS.)


Job Accommodation Network - The leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. 

Microsoft Accessibility - Accessibility enables people of all abilities to realize their full potential. Microsoft creates technology that is accessible to people around the world—of all ages and abilities.

National Assistive Technology Research Institute - NATRI conducts assistive technology (AT) research, translates theory and research into AT practice, and provides resources for improving the delivery of AT services.

National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) - The National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS) guides the production and electronic distribution of digital versions of textbooks and other instructional materials so they can be more easily converted to accessible formats, including braille and text-to-speech.

National Center on Universal Design For Learning - Learn about UDL guidelinesimplementation ideas, and other resources (lots of video content).

National Center on Accessible Educational Materials - This site provides resources for educators, parents, students and others interested in learning more about and implementing Accessible Educational Materials (AEM) and the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard (NIMAS). The website features FAQs for familiesdecision-making tools and videos to assist students who have difficulties with traditional print-based instructional materials.

Pass It On Center - The National AT Reuse Center creates national and state resources to foster the appropriate reuse of AT so that people with disabilities can get the affordable AT they need in order to live, learn, work and play more independently. Find a location near you.

Project Participate - This is the website of Project Participate providing “practical solutions to enhance learning, teaching, and the full inclusion of students with disabilities in the classroom. Project Participate facilitates team collaboration and the appropriate use of technology in the classroom.”

QIAT Consortium - This is the website of the QIAT Consortium, “a nationwide collegial endeavor dedicated to identifying, disseminating, and implementing a set of widely applicable Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology services in school settings.” - This site offers a free Product Search & Referral tool and an AT Links Library, comprehensive collection of links to assistive technology catalogs, databases and vendor directories

RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) - This is the website of RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America). RESNA is an “interdisciplinary association of people with a common interest in technology and disability” whose purpose is to “improve the potential of people with disabilities to achieve their goals through the use of technology.”

Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program (STAP) - This voucher program helps Texans with disabilities purchase specialized assistive equipment or services that enable access to telephone networks.  STAP is a program of Texas Health & Human Services.

Technology and Media (TAM) Division of the Council for Exceptional Children - This is the home page of the Technology and Media (TAM) Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. It provides links to online publications including the Journal of Special Education Technology, the TAM Connector, and other resources.

Texas Centers for Independent Living - Many of the centers have technology available to try and/or offer training on specific equipment.

Texas Technology Access Program - This is the website of the Texas Technology Access Program which “provides information, conducts training and technical assistance and works with policy makers to support children and adults with disabilities in their efforts to acquire and use technology as a routine part of day-to-day living.” The site includes links to statewide information and resources. Also available in Spanish.

United Cerebral Palsy - Many locations have assistive technology labs. Check your local UCP office.

U.S. Dept. of Education (Office for Civil Rights and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services) and U.S. Dept. of Justice (Civil Rights Div.) - Frequently Asked Questions on Effective Communication for Students with Hearing, Vision, or Speech Disabilities (pdf) 

Valdosta State University - Videos on various assistive technology devices. 

YAACK - This web page links to a pdf document developed by YAACK (Augmentative and Alternative Communication Connecting Young Kids). It provides a great deal of information about AAC and related issues for children which includes: Getting Started, Choosing an AAC System, and Teaching.

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