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INTERPRETER (if needed)

1. Review Evaluation Data and Other Information
2. Determination of Eligibility
3. Transition Planning (if appropriate)
4. Review Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance
5. ARD/IEP Additional Considerations:
Some Students:
- Auditory Impairment
- Autism
- Blind/Visual Impairment
- Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
- Communication
- Language (Limited English proficiency)
All Students
- Assistive Technology
- Extended School Year (ESY) Services
- Graduation
6. Annual Goals and Objectives, as needed
7. Accommodations or Supplementary Aids & Services
- Related Services (Including Frequency (how often), Duration (amount of time) and Location of where services will be anticipated to be provided (Place)
- Transportation Needs (if appropriate)
8. State and District Assessments
9. Determine other services to be provided
- Coordination between Regular and Special Education.
- Grading
10. Determine Placement
11. Consider Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
12. Assurances or Effects of Removal from the General Ed. Classroom
- Consider Opportunity to Participate
- Consider Potential Harmful Effects
13. ARD Committee members agreement or disagreement (Consensus/NonConsensus)