Ages 0-3

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arrow graphic pointing to the right  ECI Transition to Preschool from ECIHowToGetServices Additional Services Other resources



Early Childhood Intervention (Not a program of Texas Education Agency)

Individual Family Service Plan – Writing the IFSP for your Family (Center for Parent Information & Resources)


Special Education Process:


Disability vs Diagnosis – Defining Eligibility

Individual Education Program

Additional Services & Considerations (Special Factors)


Transition & the Future


Other Resources:

Act Early Texas! - Provides parents & professionals a tool to identify areas in which a child's development may differ from same age peers.

Center for Social & Emotional Foundations for Early Learning - Promoting Social and Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children – Training modules, Role Play, Videos

Daycare Options

Disability Resources

Early Childhood Education – What Works Clearinghouse review of interventions

Infant & Toddler Developmental Checklists

Learn the Signs! Act Early - Learn more about childhood development, including early warning signs of autism and other developmental disorders, and encourages developmental screening and intervention.

Legal Framework for the Child Centered Process

Parent Companion: First Five Years – Information, inspiration and resources for Texas parents of children with disabilities, birth to 5 years of age

Preschool Curriculum

Simple ARD/IEP Agenda

State & Community Resources – Long term services and supports

Technical Assistance Center on Social/Emotional Intervention of Young Children – TACSEI

Zero to Three (Early Childhood Resources) - The National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families that informs, trains, and supports professionals, policymakers, and parents in their efforts to improve the lives of infants and toddlers.

          Ages 0 to 3  Ages 3 to 5  Ages 5 to 11   Ages 11 to 15  Ages 16 to 21