Before Evaluation

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If you have concerns about your school-aged child’s learning or behavior, the first step is to talk to your child’s teacher or the school principal about your concerns. If this step is unsuccessful, you should ask school personnel about making a referral to the campus-based student support team, which is a team of teachers, and other personnel who meet regularly to address any learning or behavioral concerns that children are having.  


Before a child who is experiencing difficulty in the general education classroom is referred for a special education evaluation, the child should be considered for ALL support services available to all children. These services may include, but are not limited to: tutoring; remedial services; compensatory services; response to scientific, research-based intervention; and other academic or behavior support services.

Students experiencing difficulties in the general ed. classroom should be considered for all support services available to all students. 


The Response to Intervention (RtI) process cannot be used to delay or keep your child from having a Full and Individual Initial Evaluation (FIE).  If you believe your child needs to be evaluated, put your request in writing.


Parents must also be informed in writing when/if the school:


If the school decides not to evaluate, the school must inform you in writing of the school’s refusal.  This is called prior written notice. 


If the school decides not to evaluate your child and you do not agree with that decision, you have due process rights.  Filing a complaint with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) or requesting mediation are some of those rights.  For information on your options, please see “Dispute Resolution.”   


Next Steps:


Additional Resources