Cerebral Palsy Resources

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Texas Education Agency resources related to Cerebral Palsy:


  • TEA School Health – Students with Special Health Needs – In accordance with HB 1322 passed by the 81st Legislative Session in 2009, TEA added fact sheets to its website on specific disabilities. Fact sheets (in pdf format) offer an overview of the disorder, symptoms or behaviors associated with the disorder, educational implications, and instructional strategies and classrooms accommodations that might be provided.


Center for Parent Information and Resources - This organization serves the nation as a central source of information on: disabilities in infants, toddlers, children, and youth; IDEA, which is the law authorizing special education; No Child Left Behind (as it relates to children with disabilities); and research-based information on effective educational practices. They have a fact sheet on cerebral palsy (also in Spanish).


Easter Seals - Provides services, education, outreach, and advocacy so that people can live, learn, work and play in our communities. This website details Easter Seals services and provides information and resources related to Cerebral Palsy and other disabilities.


Easter Seals Central Texas - Services are focused into multiple areas of care that create successful outcomes for clients from birth to advanced age: Outpatient Medical RehabilitationWorkforce Development and Community & Housing Services.


Easter Seals Greater Houston - Easter Seals Greater Houston (formerly UCP Houston) is committed to being a lifelong partner for individuals of all ages with all types of disabilities, and their families. ESGH offers a full complement of services ranging from infancy to adulthood, including programs for their families. The website also contains a listing of Community Resources.


Easterseals North Texas  - Providing unique programs and services for individuals with a wide variety of disabilities, including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Mental and Developmental Delays. Our services evolve with the needs of North Texans, and are provided in our centers in Fort Worth and Carrollton.


Navigate Life Texas - What is Cerebral Palsy, along with causes, symptoms, how to diagnose and treat


Reaching for the Stars - “Reaching for the Stars. A Foundation of Hope for Children with Cerebral Palsy” (RFTS, Inc.) is a pediatric Cerebral Palsy nonprofit foundation led by parents, with a focus on the prevention, treatment and cure of cerebral palsyTheir Cerebral Palsy Help Center provides a comprehensive list of resources, including information on research and clinical trials, adaptive sports and recreational opportunities for kids, adaptive equipment and products, educational and assistive technology resources, and other helpful links.


United Cerebral Palsy - The UCP website provides national topics and events, articles, online resources, and more.  Their affiliates provide services such as housing, physical therapy, assistive technology training, early intervention services, individual and family support, social and recreational programs, community living, state and local referrals, employment, employment assistance and advocacy. They share important information and services across the developmental disability community, and advocate for improved services.  Click here to find your local UCP affiliate and state resource guide.


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