Down Syndrome Resources

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Center for Parent Information and Resources - The CPIR has a fact sheet on Down syndome (also available in Spanish - Síndrome de Down en Español).

Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network - This website was created by parents of children with Down syndrome from all over the United States and around the world to connect and support parents receiving a new Down syndrome diagnosis. DSDN creates support systems through private online communities and helps new and expectant moms find local resources and support groups.  They coordinate Rockin’ Family Facebook groups for moms, dads and Spanish-speaking families who have children with Down syndrome under the age of three.

Down Syndrome: Health Issues - This website is maintained by a pediatrician and father of an adult child with Down syndrome. In addition to medical information, it includes web links, recommended reading, and bulletin boards.

National Down Syndrome Congress (El National Down Syndrome Congress en Español- The mission of the National Down Syndrome Congress is to provide information, advocacy and support concerning all aspects of life for individuals with Down syndrome.  Here you can find links to the Down Syndrome News and other informational resources for parents, self-advocates, adult siblings and professionals.

National Down Syndrome Society (Sociedad Nacional del Síndrome de Down En Español) - Resources include a Helplinelocal support group information and a variety of informational tools on topics related to Down syndrome. Their Education section includes information about inclusion, elementary and secondary schooling, and college and postsecondary options for students with Down syndrome.

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