Transition Resources

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Transition Planning


For a number of Texas Education Agency  resources related to Transition, go to:


Texas Project FIRST (Region 9 ESC):




Transition in Texas (Student Centered Transition Network) - A project of the Texas Secondary Transition/Post-School Results Network in collaboration with the Texas Education Agency. This website provides information and Quick Links relevant to the secondary transition process to help students with disabilities toward attainment of their postsecondary goals. Transition resources include:


The Legal Framework for the Child Centered Special Education Process (Region 18 ESC) - Transition Services / Servicios Relacionados y Transición


Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism (Region 13 ESC):





Adolescent Health Transition Project - Parents and members of the IEP team may understand the importance of health but be uncertain about how to include these important issues in the IEP. The website’s Health in the Individualized Education Plan discusses how to address health-related needs as part of the student’s transition plan. 


Aspergers101: Driving with Autism - Information about the Texas Drivers License & ID Restriction Code: Communication Impediment with a Peace Officer.  Scroll down for "Driving with Autism" videos and handouts (English and Spanish).


Career and Technical Special Populations Training & Resource Center – Instructional videos on TEA & Texas Agrilife Extension Services Career & Technical Education, Educational Resource Library, parent resources.


Center for Parent Information & Resources – See the Transition to Adulthood  series.  Also available in Spanish - Transición a la Vida Adulta.


Charting the LifeCourse - The Charting the LifeCourse Framework was created BY FAMILIES to help individuals and families of all abilities and all ages develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and do, identify how to find or develop supports, and discover what it takes to live the lives they want to live.

Cutting EdJ Online Resources – The website of Cutting EdJ Consulting features a resource listing of documents, organizations and videos on transition planning and post-school outcomes.


Disability Is NaturalRevolutionary Common Sense Articles used with permission of Kathie Snow 


Disability Rights Texas - Supported Decision Making resources, including:

  • The Right to Make Choices: Supported Decision-Making Comprehensive Toolkit
  • El Derecho de Escoger (Supported Decision-Making Toolkit in Spanish)


Florida Health & Transition Services (HATS) - This “tool box” features a variety of skill building videos, readiness checklists and care plans, and informational guides to assist youth and their families as they transition from pediatric to adult healthcare. The following workbooks from the Institute for Child Health Policy at Univ. of Florida are designed to help teens and young adults take charge of their healthcare planning – Since You’re Not a Kid AnymoreNow That You’re in High SchoolWhen You’re 18 and Envisioning My Future (available in both English and Spanish).


Garrett Center on Transition and Disability Studies (Sam Houston State University) - Transition resources for parents and students.


Got Transition – This website focuses on improving transition from pediatric to adult health care. Look under Transitioning Youth to Adult Healthcare Providers for  links to sample assessment tools, including Transition Readiness Assessment for Youth and Transition Readiness Assessment for Parents/Caregivers (available in English and en Español).


Healthy Transitions: A Pathway to Employment for Youth with Chronic Health Conditions and Other Disabilities Policy Brief (pdf) - This U.S. Department of Labor policy brief explores how moving from pediatric healthcare to adult healthcare can affect a young person’s ability to find and maintain employment.

Heath Resource Center at the National Youth Transitions Center – Here you can find the Guidance and Career Counselor’s Toolkit, which students and parents are encouraged to use to help guide transition planning for college and career.

Helping Educators, Parents, and Other Stakeholders Understand Post School Outcomes, Course of Study, and Coordinated Set of Activities (2009) by Ed O’Leary & Wendy Collison - This document explains IDEA transition requirements and includes sample transition activities and strategies that can be used by the IEP team to determine needed transition services to address the student’s postsecondary goals.


Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center - Finding Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments

IRIS Star Legacy Training Modules - The Facilitating Transition for Students with Disabilities from HS to Post School Settings module provides information for counselors and other education professionals to assist high school students with disabilities in the transition from the school environment to a post-school setting.


Lifespan Transitions Center at OCALI – Resources include Transition to Adulthood Guidelines for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Transitions Webcasts, and Customized Employment Guide.


Minnesota Department of Human Services – Introduction and Guide to Supported Decision Making (You Tube)

National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition - The National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition (NASET) is a national voluntary coalition of more than 40 organizations and advocacy groups representing special education, general education, career and technical education, youth development, multicultural perspectives, and parents. Their goal is to identify what youth need in order to achieve successful participation in postsecondary education and training, civic engagement, meaningful employment, and adult life.

National Center on Secondary Education and Transition - The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET) coordinates national resources, offers technical assistance, and disseminates information related to secondary education and transition for youth with disabilities in order to create opportunities for youth to achieve successful futures.  See Parent Briefs for Parenting Post-secondary Students with Disabilities: Becoming the Mentor, Advocate and Guide Your Young Adult Needs and other articles promoting effective parent involvement in secondary education and transition.

National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth - NCWD works to ensure that transition age youth are provided full access to high quality services in integrated settings to gain education, employment and independent living. They have a variety of publications, videos and other resources for Families and Youth.


National Technical Assistance Center on Transition - NTACT assists State Education Agencies, Local Education Agencies, State VR agencies, and VR service providers in implementing evidence-based and promising practices ensuring students with disabilities, including those with significant disabilities, graduate prepared for success in postsecondary education and employment.  Transition planning resources include Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Toolkit, Indictor 13 Checklist Forms and Effective Practices.

Next Steps New Hampshire - Here you will find a variety of transition and career development resources for Students and for Educators & Parents.

Office of Disability Employment Policy - ODEP works to influence national policy and promote effective workplace practices to ensure that today's - and tomorrow's -workforce is inclusive of all people, including people with disabilities. As a result, one important policy focus area is youth transitioning from school to adulthood and the world of work.


One Place for Special Needs - Guide to Disability Driving Resources

PACER National Parent Center on Transition and Employment - PACER provides information, resources, and technical assistance to parents of young adults, 14 through 21, with disabilities and the professionals who work with them.  Their transition and employment website features excellent transition planning resourcesvideos and success stories


Social Security Work Incentives - Social Security’s work incentives and Ticket to Work programs can help you if you are interested in working. Special rules make it possible for people receiving Social Security disability benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to work and still receive monthly payments. And, if you cannot continue working because of your medical condition, your benefits can start again—you may not have to file a new application. Work incentives include:

  • Continued cash benefits for a time while you work;
  • Continued Medicare or Medicaid while you work; and
  • Help with education, training and rehabilitation to start a new line of work.

Note: The rules are different under Social Security and SSI.


Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities -


Texas Parent to Parent : Pathways to Adulthood - This program provides support, information and tools for transition planning. The Pathways to Adulthood Transition Inventory by Rosemary Alexander, PhD, is a good starting point for parents to use in assessing resources and making plans for the future.


Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired - Transition to Adulthood resources for students with visual impairments and deafblindness.


Texas Youth2Adult (Easter Seals Greater Houston) - This website is designed to link families and individuals with disabilities in Texas with critical support tools and information to help teens and young adults successfully make the transition from childhood to adulthood.  Resource categories include: Medical, Education, Social & Recreational, Legal & Advocacy, Financial Management, Independent Living and Employment.

Transition Coalition (University of Kansas) - Provides online information, support and professional development on topics related to the transition from school to adult life for youth with disabilities.

Understood - Leaving High School (Terminar el bachillerato) transition resources for students with learning and attention issues.  

University of Montana Rural Institute Transition & Employment Projects  - The University of Montana Rural Institute has been a leader in the area of transition planning for youth with disabilities since 1995. Their transition activities promote Customized Employment, use of Social Security work incentives, transition planning, self-employment and self-determination, and they have a number of Articles and Products to download and use to assist with the transition process.

U.S. Dept. of Education/Office of Civil Rights - Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your  Rights and Responsibilities – Questions and Answers on the differences between Section 504 and Title II of ADA regarding postsecondary education; your rights and responsibilities as a postsecondary student; and the responsibilities of postsecondary schools.


U.S. Dept. of Education/Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative ServicesA Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities, May, 2017


Your Rights, Your Voice: A Guide for Youth with Mental Health Concerns Transitioning into Adulthood - This Transition Guide from Disability Rights Texas helps transition-age youth learn about their rights and provides tools to help them successfully move into adulthood. Topics include special education services, post-secondary education, vocational rehabilitation services, employment, mental health care, community living, and alternatives to guardianship.

Youthhood - NSET’s youth website features a free web-based curriculum that can be used by teachers, community service providers, parents, and mentors to help young adults develop skills, increase knowledge, and implement a personal plan for life after high school.


Zarrow Center for Learning Enrichment - The Zarrow Center at University of Oklahoma facilitates successful secondary and postsecondary educational, vocational and personal outcomes for students and adults with disabilities.  Resources include Self Determination Assessment ToolsTransition Education MaterialsTimeline of Transition Activities, and Transition Resources for Students with Severe and Multiple Disabilities.


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