Glossary of Terms - M

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Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) (Reunión para determinar si la conducta fue una manifestación de la discapacidad) – Within ten school days of any decision to change the placement of a child with a disability due to a violation of the code of conduct, the ARD committee must meet and conduct a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR).  When conducting an MDR, the ARD committee must review all relevant information in the child’s file, including the IEP, any teacher observations, and any relevant information provided by the parents.  Parents may present any relevant information at this time for the ARD committee to review when making the determination whether the child’s conduct is a manifestation of the child’s disability.  The Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) committee must then answer both of the following questions:

  • Was the conduct in question caused by, or did it have a direct and substantial relationship to the child’s disability?
  • Was the conduct in question the direct result of the school district’s failure to implement the Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

(See the ARD Guide or Procedural Safeguards for actions that must be taken when the conduct is either found to be or found not to be a manifestation of the child’s disability.)


Measurable Annual Goals (Metas anuales medibles) – IEP goals that a student can reasonably accomplish within a year.  The goals must address the student’s involvement and progress in the general curriculum.  The goals must be broken down into short-term objectives, or benchmarks, only if a student is taking an alternate assessment.  Goals may be academic, address social or behavioral needs, relate to physical needs, or address other educational needs.  The IEP must indicate how the goals will be measured to show if the student is making progress toward them.


Mediation (Mediación) – One of the available options used for resolving disagreements about a child’s identification, evaluation, educational placement and the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE).  Mediation is voluntary.  If both the parent and LEA agree to participate, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) provides a trained mediator to conduct the mediation.  Mediation may not be used to delay or deny a parent a due process hearing or any other procedural safeguard.  The TEA will automatically offer mediation services to the parent and the LEA when a due process hearing is requested.  For more information see the Dispute Resolution Handbook.


Medicaid (Medicaid)– A jointly funded state-federal health care program established in Texas in 1967 and administered by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). Medicaid is an entitlement program, which means that the federal government does not, and a state cannot, limit the number of eligible people who can enroll, and Medicaid must pay for any services covered under the program.  In July 2008, about one in eight Texans (2.8 million of the 23.5 million) relied on Medicaid for health insurance or long-term services and supports. (Texas Health and Human Services Commission)


Medicaid Administrative Claiming (Reclamos administrativos de Medicaid) – Provides school districts with the ability to receive reimbursement for certain outreach and case management activities.  See also School Health and Related Services (SHARS). 


Medicaid Waiver Programs (Programas alternativos de Medicaid) – Texas currently has various Medicaid waiver programs designed to provide Medicaid funds to allow individuals with disabilities to receive supports and services in their community as an alternative to institutional care.  These waivers are administered through the Texas Health & Human Services Commission (HHSC).  Medicaid waiver services can be especially helpful to families caring for children with disabilities.  Services can include nursing care, attendant care, respite, home modifications, medical equipment and supplies, therapies, service coordination, pre-vocational services, community living supports, assistive technology, and more.  (See Texas Long-Term Services & Supports Waiver Programs for waiver comparisons.) 

An important note to parents: Due to extremely long waiting lists, it is imperative that you put your child’s name on waiting lists as soon as possible, regardless of your income or the age of your child. 


Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Memorándum de entendimiento) – An informal record, document, or agreement that serves as the basis of a future contract between two parties.


Modifications (Modificaciónes) – A change in what the student is expected to learn that is different from the general education curriculum (TEKS).  Modifications are only used for students with an IEP; however, not all students with IEPs require a modified curriculum.  Examples of a modification include:

  • A locally developed course to substitute for a general education course (for example, Life Skills courses or Functional Mathematics instead of Geometry).
  • Selected TEKS instead of all of the TEKS for the grade level course (for example, an 8th grader with an IEP may have goals for only 3 of the total number of TEKS required for 8th graders in math).
  • Off-level instruction and performance expectations in a general education setting. See also Curriculum Framework and Vertical Alignment.


Monitoring & State Improvement Planning Division (División de monitoreo y planificación para mejoras en el estado–The division of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) that is responsible for reviewing State Performance Plans to ensure that States are complying with the IDEA and working toward improved results for students with disabilities.


Multiple Disabilities (Discapacidades múltiples) – Under IDEA, Multiple Disabilities are impairments happening at the same time (such as intellectual disability-blindness or intellectual disability-orthopedic impairment), the combination of which causes such severe educational needs that they cannot be accommodated in special education programs solely for one of the impairments.  Multiple disabilities does not include deaf-blindness.  A determination of multiple disabilities must comply with criteria set forth in federal and state law as described in the Multiple Disabilities framework of the Legal Framework for the Child-Centered Process.


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